The AHRI was conceived in 2009 in response to the growing disparities in health outcomes, and was operationalized in the early 2010.The AHRI has a primary goal of eliminating disparities in health outcomes through geo-epidemiologic and ethnic/racial mapping of disease, and the application of such knowledge in the prevention and control of diseases, injuries, disabilities and health related events at the population level.
In order to meet this primary goal, the objectives of AHRI remain: (a) To identify disease databases with information on geography, race and sociodemographics. (b) To assess the distribution of diseases, disabilities, injuries and health-related events by geography. (c) To correlate geography with other health disparities etio-pathogenesis. (d) To amplify signal and identify risk factors in assessing geography and race/ethnicity in health disparities etio-pathogenesis. (e) To utilize evidence from geo-epidemiologic and racial/ethnic mapping to disease, injury, disabilities and health-related events in recommending specific intervention at the population level.
The above objectives are met by AHRI utilizing the state of the art advanced epidemiologic methods and the best minds in the field of geography and disease, race/ethnic perspectives in disease, as well as spatial intervention mapping. Whereas geography and disease had been studied in public health, environmental sciences, and epidemiology, the application of signal amplification and risk modeling remains to be utilized in our understanig of place, geography and disease . Specifically, the AHRI through its causal web and multi-disciplinary approach to health disparities etio-pathogenesis, utilizes an integrated model of spatial and time-spatial analysis of disease with ethnic/racial mapping. Therefore, rather than using single approach and statistical software, AHRI employs combination software and several statistical and epidemiologic design strategies in arriving at the association between geography, place and disease. With this pathway being unique to AHRI, the understanding of health disparities is enhanced, resulting in strategic planning for spatial and race-specific intervention.